Outside the airport, Bennett (one of the founders of Hope on
a String and an Amherst alumn) and I were met by the program’s Country
Director, Lara. With her were her friend Cassy, who will be my interpreter for
the children’s violin classes, and our driver Fèlix
a.k.a Fefe (fayfay). After exchanging brief introductions, we piled into the
car, blissfully air-conditioned, and proceeded to sit for about thirty minutes
in standstill traffic before Fefe even put the jeep in gear. Driving in
Port-au-Prince is a unique, ridiculous, and terrifying experience. I could not
detect the slightest hint of traffic laws. The roads were all dirt, full of
large rocks and holes, and there were no traffic lights. Passing on the left,
heading directly into oncoming traffic at impressive speeds, is encouraged. All the while you are frequently passing the Haitian taxis, called "tap-taps," which are extravagantly colorful and decorated events on wheels. Although they are often nothing more than embellished trucks, tap-taps will hold around 20 people sometimes stacked one on top of another like legos. These vehicles, too, will hurtle by at absurd speeds. This city was designed by Dr. Seuss.
At long last we made it to the village, Corail, in the
municipality (or “zon”) of Arcahaie. The first thing I noticed were the walls.
Those who can afford them surround their homes with concrete walls topped with
barbed wire or broken bottles. Because the wealthiest people live on the main
road, it looks like a dusty, dismal hallway.
Our house is beautiful. A soothing yellow color with a
generous porch and plenty of treated water, this is my safe place. I have a
room and bed to myself, but will be sleeping in a hammock every night due to
the heat. The three of us “blans” are living here for now, but Bennett will fly
back to New York on Tuesday, leaving the house to me and Lara (and whoever
wants to visit).
After getting settled, Bennett and I went for a walk through
town. I quickly learned that it
is NECESSARY to greet EVERYONE you see, and even those you don't. To walk by
somebody without acknowledging them (a simple nod of the head does not suffice)
is to insult them. I imagine that this is what ‘nam was like, constantly
checking over your shoulder to see if there’s anyone lurking in the shadows or
under a tree. At first I thought I looked and sounded ridiculous, waving hands
and sending “bonjou’s” in every direction at Bennett’s encouragement, but then
I realized that everyone was doing it. Despite its poverty and perhaps because
of it, the community is extremely tightly woven.
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